Installation of Food Dryers
Thanks To Target Ag For Donating An Eliminator To Make All Processing Easier & Faster
Agape food bank is in the process of remodeling all the facilities for better processing,storage & handling of large quantities of farm grown foods & all other foods & drinks. The remodeling will also include 2 driers that will dry 1,500 pounds of food each & a freeze drier that will help us make a meal in a bag that can be revitalized in 5 minute with just water added.
A processing room made to FDA standards for preparing All types of food to be dried with efficiency the video below will give you an idea of the drying process & packaging that will be done at agape food bank.
Our future goal is to install a food drier to save perishable commodities & all other foods that need to be dried to make soups,trail mix, & many other dishes that can be revitalized with hot tap water, so that those who do not have modern conveniences will be able to have nutritious foods so that they will know that there is a GOD & he is watching over them & that HE cares for them just as much as any one else in the world, at the present time we are in need of your help to make this great mission that GOD has given to agape food bank.
At present we are looking for people who want to join us. We are in need of funds, material, skilled workers,& people who are willing to give there time to help us, please contact us asp if you can help. Earl@agapefoodbank.Com
May GOD bless all those who are willing to join us in our fight to conquer hunger through out the world.
At present we are sending onions to Fraser Valley Gleaners where they dry them to put into soup mixes that are sent to third world countries to feed those that are in need & our future goal is to join forces with them in feeding not just third world countries but all that are in need throughout the world, so please join us in our fight against hunger, Agape Food Bank a non profit organization. We need your support to help us fight hunger in the world.